July 10, 2019

Congratulations to Ricky Cayuela, director of “Last Game”, Winner of Tonight’s People Selection.

¿Y ahora, qué hacemos? [PG] 3:19 – Nirvania Quesada

¿Y ahora, qué hacemos?Joseph spends all day with a gift in his hands, making all that meet him uncomfortable. But, what no one imagines is that he’s preparing a very difficult apology for a special someone.

Verguenza ImpedidaVergüenza Impedida [PG13] 19:00 – Angel Janer

A “handicapped” woman shows how she takes advantage of “the system”.

Karr's PullKarr’s Pull Ep. 4 (Series) [PG13] 10:43 – Michael J Morris

“Hollywood Calls” – The story about Karr, Nikko and Bobby continues in Hollywood.

Nuestro HogarNuestro Hogar [R] 18:00 – Alberto Miguel

A couple celebrate a special dinner but things are not what they seem.

Buscando GonzaloBuscando Gonzalo [PG13] 8:55 – Orlando Ramos

Alejandra and Pablo have a seemingly perfect relationship until a startling surprise threatens to break them apart. Before the day ends, they will need to decide what is more important; freedom or each other?

Ultimo Juego (Last Game)Juego Final [PG13] 30:00 – Ricardo Cayuela

“Anytime You Have An Opportunity To Make A Difference In This World, And You Don’t, You’re Wasting Your Time In Earth” – Roberto Clemente Walker

June 26, 2019


Shorts Presented:

The Void room A [G] ESPAÑA (3:31) – Eduard Milá

The Void room A

“””Quiero exigir a mi ser que busque otra via a la percepción humana”” – Ese reflejo llamado YO”

Fridge [G] PUERTO RICO (2:09) – Jimmy Santos


Mom always told me not to stand for a long time in front of the fridge with the door open… I wonder why?

“Les Martinet” [PG] ARGENTINA (11:39) – Camila Cossa

Les Martinet

Un paseo azaroso lleva a dos amigas a descubrir la fascinante historia que esconden los antepasados de una de estas.

Karr’s Pull Series Ep. 3 [PG13] PUERTO RICO [SAG-AFTRA] (6:25) – Michael J. Morris

Karr's Pull

“It’s Summer Baby”

“A Niceternoon” [PG13] PUERTO RICO (8:48) – Harold Joel Leonard Navarro (Winner People’s Selection)

A Niceternoon

“Xavi has a great surprise he can’t wait to share with his girlfriend Gina. But before delivering the  awesome news he must endure the hellish afternoon of his life.”

“Tea Party After Hours” [PG13] PUERTO RICO (6:36) – Nicole Watlington

Tea Party After Hours

Marion is a young woman who wakes up one night, only to encounter two strangers who seem to know more about her life than herself. As much as they try, these strangers cannot leave the apartment.

Monserrate [R] PUERTO RICO (11:18) – Michael Justiniano


Una joven rebelde busca a su ex-novio por el vecindario, ya que este tiene a su perro prisionero en su apartamento y no hay manera que abandone a su mejor amigo peludo, Monserrate.

Enganche [R] PUERTO RICO (11:21) – Edward Andrés


A man must choose between his life of constant violence, or embracing his fatherhood in the eve of his daughter’s birth.

June 19, 2019


Shorts presented:

* NuevaYorkino [PG] [4:54]- Alejandro D. Orengo Colón 

* NuevaYorkino’ explores the voyage of a Puerto Rican photographer to New York for the first time, as he embarks on journey to forget.

* Papito [G] [5:00]- Luis Figueroa

* El siempre tiene actitud positiva pero la vida se empeña en ponerlo a prueba.

* Miedo a las alturas [PG] [3:32]- Harold Joel Leonard Navarro

* Tommy is a young adult who after dreaming for a whole week with a harassing, sinister and, cute being, he visits a psychologist seeking for answers to his dreams. For his surprise, the remedy is worst than the cure.

* Karr’s Pull Series [PG]-[4:08] Pilot

* Esta isla [R] -[11:46] Cristian Carretero

* After a surprising turn of events, two young lovers escape off into the innermost part of Puerto Rico, finding freedom within.

* Fisura [R] [15:00]- Federico Torres Fernández

* Mariana Ramirez, an agent investigating political crimes, is kidnapped and discovers through her captors that truth, in the world that she has helped build, at times may not be so simple.

* Desvío [R] [22:16]- Kathryn Aidyl Burgos (Winner People’s Selection)

* Fotógrafo forense que sufre de una desviación sexual muy común actualmente en Puerto Rico y a nivel mundial.

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